Sad News. Gerardo was not baptized.
Its kinda a weird story. His Uncle Trino brought him to church and Elder Dominguez and I were all excited for Gerardo´s baptism. The First thing Trino said to me is "we have a problem"(he actually said that in English which alarmed me because he almost never speaks to me in one does....except someone i will tell you about later.) He then proceeded to tell me that Gerardo didn´t want to be baptized, that he wanted to come to church that day but only if we didn´t baptize him. WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????
I was way confused. Gerardo has been ready for baptism since forever, you all already know that. It was a surprise.
We took him aside during sacrament meeting and asked him. He said he didn´t feel ready, or that something was holding him back form being baptized. We read mosiah 18 8-10 with him. Read it. Its pretty awesome. And he still didn´t feel ready.
He told us he had a dream in which he brought all his family to the church and they were reading the scriptures and were altogether. They are all members of the church but they almost never pray or read the scriptures. I feel like he needs their support now more than ever and he doesn´t have it. Pray for them to start doing the basics of the gospel(praying, reading the scriptures, FHE) because if not i don´t think Gerardo will be baptized. That was a bit of drama for this week. But don´t you worry I am all good, not discouraged in the least. It is sad and all but it is and important choice that Gerardo has to make for himself. We pray for him to be comforted.
What else happened this week? Oh yeah big news!
You know how the church is creating 58 new missions around the world out of those that already exist?
8 of those changes are in mexico.
And guess what?!
The Mexico León Mission will not exist as of the first of July.
It will be split into two separate missions. Mexico Aguas Calientes and Mexico Queretero.
I will be assigned to either of those missions in June.
CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!!!???????? I am super excited. Its sad that The mission i was called to will no longer exist and tal vez mis amigos van a estar en el otro misión. Pero lo bueno es que la obra del Señor está creciendo muchísisimo!!
I am still amazed at everything that is currently happening in the World.....
Wow....Just awesome...Its even cooler to see the way the Lord works
We´ve been trying to find out just how big our ward actually is by visiting families that never go to church. We have found out that some have died, some have moved and others just pretend not to be the person we are looking for. Its kinda gunny really. The best experiences are when we find someone from our efforts. Yesterday is an example of what the Lord does for us.
We were searching for a member of the church. She supposedly lived in a shady neighborhood and i´m pretty sure the majority of the people there were gangsters. But that´s not the important thing. We asked a couple people for the address of this lady and they sent us off in different directions. We sat down for a moment just to figure out where we were and all. Now this next part needs a little explanation. I have the uncanny ability to attract drunks from miles around. It seems like people who have been drinking(a ton) see me and immediately are drawn to the Tall Gringo with glasses. In this part of town it was only a matter of time until someone who wasn´t living the Word of Wisdom found me.
This man was convinced he could speak English. It sounded like "mamammmaammmmmmmaaefalkhpgfa´h Bro." All i understood was bro. He asked me to read Revelations 12 to him. It was weird. but hey why not. While we were preaching to este pobre boracho, another guy passed by. The first thing he said was " hey dude where you from?" SURPRISE! someone who actually speaks english!!!!!!!!!
Turns out this new arrival lived in the states 16 years. He lived in LA and then he and his family moved to Michigan. He got into Gangs there and got deported due to problems with the gang. He told us he realizes now that being part of a gang made him lose everything. more than anything, it separated him from his family. He decided to change his life. He got rid of his Tattoos that identify him as a gang member and has been trying to get papers legally so that he can go back to his family in Michigan. His story is incredible. What´s more incredible is the feeling i got while speaking to him. I had a dream a few months back about a Mexican Gangster who told me his gang was world wide but that he was trying to leave it and change his life. I don´t believe in coincidences. I know that the Lord put this man in our path for a reason. We pray that he will accept what we have to share with him tonight. I don´t even know his name but i know he needs what we have.
Aaron Williams is going to Mexico!!!!!!!!!!! That is awesome! Cousins in Mexican missions....the best missionaries serve here! (sorry mom dad and any one else who didn´t serve here but its true! =) ) Keep me posted on Everything with Lindsay´s call and all. I am super excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love you all! It would be great if you could pray that we can reach our baptism goal of 4 for this month, prayers help!=)
Elder Ben Williams