so this first picture is of the Zones in aguas calientes with Elder Ortiz, our area president
This week we had cambios. and guess what?
I´m still in Americas, Aguas Calientes. I just have more responsibliltiy because i am now the Lider de Distrito.
Don´t ask me what exactly that means cause i still don´t really know. Its weird. I felt like i was going to leave Aguas because i have a ton of time here. but as i was putting small unimportant things in my bags in preparation for the cambios (it was just a cautionary measure) I stopped and felt/thought "what are you doing? you aren´t going anywhere" Weird right? it was like i already knew what was going to happen. Elder Dominguez was telling me a couple hours before los cambios " a lo mejor usted se queda aqui como lider de distrito." he basically told the future. I ´ll keep you updated to the duties of a District Leader when i figure out what exactly i´m sposed to do....
This week was slow. Its a week where a lot of people leave town for who knows where. Thursday, Friday and Saturday the streets were completely empty. It was weird. But that´s how it is here. We saw a processionals, or a bunch of people representing the death of Christ, and was weird. people yelling and others singing. We didn´t get too close. We didn´t want to see eveything that was happening but we heard a lot of weird things. the good thing is Aguas is really mild when it comes to Semana Santa(this past week) in some places in Mexico the people beat themselves with whips until they bleed. In other places they actually crucify a man representing Christ(they make sure he doesn´t die but it still sounds gruesome...) It was good to remember the resurrection of the Savior though. Made me feel like repenting =) And thats always a good thing.
What happened this week? we had a lesson with Monica and her family. We know that the only way you can know the church is true is 1 reading the Book of Mormon 2 Praying and asking Heavenly Father and receiving an answer from Him and 3 going to church. They are doing Two of the three. We are praying for them to read. That´s all they need. They are a wonderful family, they really are. I love them all. we also are praying that they will have a spiritual experience with General Conference this weekend.
Felipe is incredible. I just feel like he is so ready. We taught him this week and found out that he is a super charitable guy. He gives to the poor, and he gives his best. He loves his family more than anything and really its something beautiful just to listen to him talk about his life´s experiences. we have a lesson tomorrow with him. We pray for him to be ready to accept what we have to teach and to understand the importance of our message. He told us he wants to come to General Conference with us so we will see what happens.
We found a couple new people this week. José and Enrique Valdez. They aren´t related. They just have the same last name. We are going to see them Wednesday. we are excited for them and hope that they will be prepared for our words.
Random events of the week:
We got lost twice. =) once we were on a bus and we didn´t know exactly where to get off. after like 20 minutes we decided we needed to look for a different bus. we were in a different zone and we had no idea what to do. Then we met the elders that were from that zone. They were confused at first but they helped find the bus that took us back home. It was weird.... and then we got lost in Santa Maria on the bus home. Such is the life of a missionary.
Contacted and man covered in blood.
Not really a contact. more of a "do you need help?! need a hospital or something?" kinda thing. He said he was fine. we kept walking and found a ton of police and an ambulance and we told them that he was walking in the opposite direction from where they were looking. Who knows what he did.....
Ate tacos of pig eyes, pig brain, and cow tongue. and they were all delicious=)....come to think of it i don´t know why i didn´t take a picture of that....... don´t worry I´ll take one the next time
Love y'all and hope all is well in Zion =)
Elder Ben Williams
Mom! Can you believe your son ate that?!? Nasty! :) Oh i miss him so so much..