know why?
1. Felipe says he can´t be baptized because his family is against it.
2. Emma and Daniel canceld their baptisms three hours before they were supposed to happen.
3. We were in divisiones/ trio for three days with elder Amaro.
4. I got super sick.
That pretty much sums up the week. And yet as I´m writing this i realize that I´m still super happy. I don´t really even understand why. I want to make a list of good things that happened this week.
1. I feel like i figured out how important the sacrament is to me.
2. I gained atrue love for everyone =)
3. A less active member and his family (from santa maria) came to church.
4. I had an interview with presidente Del Valle
5. I feel.....Much better.
More good than bad. Something that there will always be, more light than darkness. Its a beautiful life we live. Every day brings new challenges that could stop us cold or make us grow. Depends on what we choose. Isn´t that cool? I don´t know why but i just feel right now that Agency is the best thing. Its a weird random thought and truthfully i have no clue where it came from.
Ok i have to explain some things. One Felipe. His entire family is against his decision to listen to us or to be baptized. He is very much a family man and I feel like he won´t choose to do something against their will even if he is the Head of the Household. All his children have children and are married and all but they are still very close.
Emma and Daniel are two of the three children of Monica. They had their baptism set. they said they felt ready. And then they called and said that...well that they didn´t feel prepared. so we are giving them time to decide. Its an important personal decision and its something they have to make on their own. Its tough to watch people falter due to doubts. The same gift that Heavenly Father gave us to make choices sometimes works against us. Sometimes we doubt what could happen but we are praying for them all.
Elder Dahlberg got deported =) He had trouble with his Visa and had to go to Texas to Renew it. Crazy right? So Elder Amaro stayed with Elder Dominguez and myself for three days. We ate a lot, laughed and had a good time. Its way hard working in two areas at a time. we would spend half the day in Americas and half the day in Viñas. And i feel like it wasn´t very effective. Two is the perfect number. 3 is overkill.
I got way sick thursday night. I want to but that in the cleanest way possible so i won´t give details in this letter. Lets just say i have a ton of meds and they kinda make me tired. But the good thing is that i´m getting better, fast =)
We need help here in Las Americas. We need to find new people to teach and fast. If we don´t, we are going to get tired out. Please pray for us to be able to teach well and for the members to help us find the people who the Lord has chosen to hear the message of the Restoration.
I love you all, now more than ever. I feel great and we are all good here in México=)
Elder Ben Williams
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