Last week the kiddies were talking about spring break.... is it all ready that time of year? What in the world? Where did the time go? I swear i was just opening the call the other day and now.... its almost been a year.... weird. I feel like the time here accelerates every day, every hour. Its tough at night when i feel like i´ve just fallen asleep when the alarm goes off. And then there are the pictures of you guys. When did you all get so old? Sam, are you seriously going to be a Freshman next year? I suddenly understand why dad doesn´t want us to have birthdays.... Don´t grow up so fast!
So this week was full of new experiences some good some better =) you probably saw the picture of Pati in Baptismal clothes. She is a really sweet girl and she reminds me of my little sadie. Are you getting ready for your baptism? Are you almost done with the Book of Mormon? Anyway, we are praying for her family to be more active in the church,and that she will be able to see the difference her baptism has in her life.
This is Pati. she is 9 yrs old and is the newest member of the church in our ward. She is from Santa maria and the dude in white is me =)
We are still teaching Monica and her family. They are a wonderful family and i feel like they were prepared by the Lord to listen to us. But they weren´t here all weekend. we teach them again tomorrow night.
Speaking of Tuesday(tomorrow is tuesday right?) we have a date with a person we found the other day. His name is Felipe. It was a weird experience. We were looking for some former members of the church in the shadiest part of our area. I was with Elder Romero in Companionship Exchanges and we were not really finding anyone on the list... This man passed by and waved at us and said"hola Elderes". BOOM! obviously he needed to talk to us. We went over and introduced ourselves. He told us he went to church with some members once and had listened to missionaries before and that he was an editor to a magazine. Most importantly he told us that he really likes to read. We pulled out a Libro de Mormon and he said he would read it that night. He told us if he came to know the Book of Mormon is true then the 13 of April would be his day. He is what you called prepared. We will be seeing him Tuesday and we pray for him to obtain his goal. We pray for him to gain a testimony of the Book of Mormon. IF that happens, everything else follows.
I love you all and hope you are enjoying yourselves and that everything is going well. Keep on going strong in the Gospel. I know you Read the Scriptures personally every day and pray meaningfully. Our Heavenly Father is listening. speak to Him =)
Have fun this week and be safe =)
Elder Ben Williams
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